Human resources

Why and how should you build an onboarding program for customers and employees?

Why and how should you build an onboarding program for customers and employees?

After attracting that customer or hiring your newest team member, what’s the next step your company takes? Cross your fingers and hope for the best? Send them a manual and let them figure it out? Or do you have a systematic process for bringing them effectively and efficiently into your company? BrightGo finds that a well thought out program is one of the keys to a successful customer experience and an engaged productive employee relationship. This program is called Onboarding.


HR the most important business function - and here’s why

HR the most important business function - and here’s why

In Canada and globally, human resources as a business function has gone through much change over the past couple of decades. Once called the personnel department with a focus mostly on paying employees it now rarely focuses on the actual mechanics of paying. Instead it is about ensuring the people working with and for the organization are the best possible and they are productive collectively for the overall company. Therefore, instead of thinking of HR as just the culture and compliance team, let's think of HR as how you'll maximize the value of the various people your company interacts with - internally and externally.